The ‘Sight Regained’ exhibition was organised at the West Pac Gallery in the Victoria Arts Centre on St Kilda Road to support and celebrate the late Fred Hollows who worked with glaucoma sufferers in third world countries. Artists and architects were invited to collaborate. Greg worked with artist/friend Domenico de Clario on a piece called ‘Cathedral’ – named after a Raymond Carver short story about a blind man who guides a friend through a process of drawing a Cathedral with his eyes shut, so that he could experience something of his friend’s blindness.
The work was sited in the St Kilda Road forecourt on a bluestone plinth adjacent to a large bronze William de Kooning sculpture, aligning with the spire of St Paul’s Cathedral. Made from donated materials, including borrowed gym weights to hold it down, its small scale, embracing transparency and approachability, with an invitation to touch, made it appear like a tiny temple of light.
A Braille version of Carver’s story was engraved on one interior screen and printed conventionally on another.
Passers-by were drawn into its magical realm, to pause, touch and contemplate.